HP:0001877Abnormal erythrocyte morphologyAbnormality of red blood cells118HP:0001903AnemiaLow number of red blood cells or hemoglobin46HP:0001901PolycythemiaIncreased red blood cells2HP:0410196Abnormal uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsAbnormal uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells2HP:0410184Abnormal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsAbnormal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells2HP:0001923ReticulocytosisIncreased immature red blood cells0HP:0005540Red blood cell keratocytosisDistorted red blood cells resembling keratocytes0HP:0410197Increased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsIncreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells0HP:0410063Increased level of galactonate in red blood cellsIncreased level of galactonate in red blood cells0HP:0410064Increased level of galactitol in red blood cellsIncreased level of galactitol in red blood cells0HP:0410189Increased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsIncreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells0HP:0410198Decreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsDecreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells0HP:0410188Decreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsDecreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells0HP:0033281Circulating nucleated red blood cellsCirculating nucleated red blood cells0HP:0031702Anterior chamber red blood cellsAnterior chamber red blood cells0HP:0011273AnisocytosisUnequal size of red blood cells0
HP:0001877 Abnormal erythrocyte morphologyAbnormality of red blood cells118HP:0001903AnemiaLow number of red blood cells or hemoglobin46HP:0001901PolycythemiaIncreased red blood cells2HP:0410196Abnormal uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsAbnormal uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells2HP:0410184Abnormal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsAbnormal glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells2HP:0001923ReticulocytosisIncreased immature red blood cells0HP:0005540Red blood cell keratocytosisDistorted red blood cells resembling keratocytes0HP:0410197Increased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsIncreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells0HP:0410063Increased level of galactonate in red blood cellsIncreased level of galactonate in red blood cells0HP:0410064Increased level of galactitol in red blood cellsIncreased level of galactitol in red blood cells0HP:0410189Increased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsIncreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells0HP:0410198Decreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cellsDecreased uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase level in red blood cells0HP:0410188Decreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cellsDecreased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level in red blood cells0HP:0033281Circulating nucleated red blood cellsCirculating nucleated red blood cells0HP:0031702Anterior chamber red blood cellsAnterior chamber red blood cells0HP:0011273AnisocytosisUnequal size of red blood cells0